Monthly Archives: August 2021

Uplifting Prayer, Exhaustion (Podcast, 028)

Do you have days when you feel spent?

Do you ever feel like you do not have any motivation?

In today’s Cassidy Comments podcast, I’d like to offer a prayer for you that I wrote during the time leading up to my mom’s death.

You can find a link to this prayer under the “Uplifting Prayers” tab on my blog at along with some of the other prayers I wrote.  God really blessed me during those days, moving me from elation to exhaustion and everything in between!

Have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy

Cassidy Comments, Ghandi (Podcast 027)

Returning to my audio version of Cassidy Comments, I hope you will enjoy today’s reflection on the Seven Social Sins Mohandus Ghandi wrote about in his weekly newspaper in 1925!

They are definitely something to think about!

I welcome your comments and invite you to subscribe to my blog at

Do you think these social sins apply to us today?

Janet Cassidy