Are You a Fence Sitter? (OGW, 041, Mt. 21)

In today’s episode of Opening God’s Word, I am encouraging you not to be a fence sitter.

Maybe you have questions about the existence of God or faith in general; today’s scripture passage puts our questions (and our answers) into perspective.

The leaders in the time of Jesus questioned his authority, and when he responded to their question with a question of his own, they got stuck.

I want to be sure that you don’t get stuck.

What questions do you struggle with that keep you sitting on the spiritual fence?

As we move through this 3rd week of Advent, we have a lot to rejoice about—Jesus, the Savior of the world is bringing his light to us.  Let us respond to his light by opening our hearts to all that God has given us, and all that he has to give.

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word.

Janet Cassidy