Category Archives: Opening God’s Word

Are You Stuck?  (OGW, 027)

Need a change in your life?  Do what the Blind Beggar did in yesterday’s passage and what Zacchaeus did in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 19 today.

Seek Jesus.  Look for him and open your house to him.  Open your heart to him.

It doesn’t take much, that’s for sure.  Just open your eyes and look for him.  You will see his presence everywhere.

Don’t miss today’s episode of Opening God’s Word!

I pray that you desire to seek Jesus just as much as the blind beggar and the sinful tax collector did.

Have a blessed day in God’s Word.

Janet Cassidy

What is Your Blindness? (OGW, 026, Luke 18)

026 – OGW, Blind Beggar, Lk 18

Today we tune in to a special event in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 18.  Jesus performs a miracle!  He heals a blind beggar!

You might want to write this off as just a nice story, but there are so many elements of this real event that speak to us today, I hope you will listen in to this episode of Opening God’s Word to hear Jesus speaking to you.

What is your blindness?

Are you calling other people to Jesus?

Are you persistent in seeking him yourself?

Of what do you need healing?

Lots of questions and lots of insight to be gained from this brief passage.

I hope you will subscribe to my daily podcasts and blog and share them with a friend!

Have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy

God’s Wisdom in YOU!  (OGW – 025)

You may recall me talking about the Book of Wisdom, Chapter 13 before because it is one of my favorite Bible passages.  I have a lot of favorites, but this one WILL make go deeper as you contemplate the existence of God.

I encourage you to open your Bible and spend some time with it.  Sit in your favorite chair and think, “Hmm, I guess I hadn’t thought about that before.”

Just do it, today, and let God speak to you!

This episode of Opening God’s Word can be found at

I hope you will subscribe and share it with a friend!

Have a blessed day in God’s Word.

Janet Cassidy

The Kingdom of God (OGW – 024)

Today we’re talking about the Kingdom of God in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 17.

What is it?

Is it here, now?

Is it coming?

It can seem so confusing!  Join me today for this episode of Opening God’s Word and let’s get it cleared up!

We’ve only got a couple of minutes, so let’s see what we can do to better understand what the Kingdom of God means for us today!

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy


What is Your Leprosy? (OGW, 023)

Are you one of the Ten Lepers in today’s Gospel (Luke Chapter 17) who was healed?

Are you like the one who turned back to say thank you, or did you go on your merry way as one of the nine and not even recognize who healed you?

Maybe you don’t have leprosy, but I’d be willing to bet there are other conditions from which you need to be healed.

What is your leprosy?


Mental or physical suffering?

Relationship problems?

Encounter Jesus as he enters the village in today’s Gospel, and notice the power he has to heal us—even from a distance!

Stand with the Samaritan leper who turned to Jesus to thank him, and let your own encounter with Christ allow you to hear the words:

“Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.”

Janet Cassidy

An Attitude of Gratitude (OGW, 022)

In today’s episode of Opening God’s Word I explore the question Jesus asks in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 17.

Basically, he wants to know how likely it would be for you to ask a person who works for you to drop what he/she is doing, and take a break to sit and eat with you, leaving their tasks undone?

He compares this situation to what is expected of those who follow him.

Listen in as I give a modern-day example that helps us enter into this passage a little more clearly.

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy



Grumbling lately? (OGW – 021)

Have you found yourself grumbling a lot lately?  Complaining about work or the world around you?

Time to sing a new song!

Psalm 98 is just what we need when we feel like we are living in a vacuum that is overtaking the joy in our lives.

Today’s episode of Opening God’s Word will help you make the shift you need!

I have also posted on my blog at a prayer of gratitude that I pray every day to encourage me to be thankful for all of the blessings God has given me.

I hope you will make it a part of your day as well.

Have a blessed day in God’s Word.

Janet Cassidy

Are You Loving Like God? (OGW – 020)

This is it!  This is all we need to know and we can find it in Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Chapter 13.

Paul brings up the commandments, but then, he says it:  “Love is the fulfillment of the law.”

Are you being loving?  Are you giving of yourself?  Are you looking at a situation and thinking, “How can I help?” or, are you thinking, “I’ll let someone else do it.”

After you have listened to today’s episode of Opening God’s Word, I hope you will follow my suggestion and jump on over to my blog where I have highlighted a special prayer that I use.  This prayer about being In Union with God always helps me when I need to look outward.  I hope you will like it as well.  It can be found at

Have a blessed day in God’s Word.

Janet Cassidy (for the rest of the Uplifting Prayers for Times of Distress)

Me? I Don’t Have Any Gifts! (OGW -019)

Have you ever thought, “I really don’t have any gifts to use”?

When you look at the great saints, do you ever think, “I could NEVER do that”?

Are you kind of quiet and don’t feel like you can “get out there” and make a splash like some people do?

Or are you an extrovert but you can’t seem to find your niche?

Today’s passage from the Letter to the Romans, Chapter 12, is for you!

Are you a pinky finger or a foot?  Doesn’t matter.  The important thing is that with God’s help you try to identify what it is you can do, and do that!

One more thing.  Let’s not ever deny our gifts.  Today I talk about humility and accepting what God has given you.

Please share this with a friend.  This is a pivotal passage that so many of us need to hear.

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy


Who’s Coming to Dinner? (018 – OGW)

In today’s gospel passage Jesus talks about how you should behave if you are an invited guest to a lunch or dinner, and if you are the host, who you should be inviting.

This passage can be difficult for us today as we ask ourselves, “Am I supposed to be inviting strangers into my home and feeding them?”

What if you are not in a position to do that?  Do you just ignore this passage altogether?

While contextually Jesus is speaking about the people of Israel and the Gentiles of his time, his ultimate teaching about unconditional love and selfless giving is everlasting and very relevant for us today.

Tune in and share with a friend!

Also, I invite you to visit my blog at, or if you are looking for Uplifting Prayers for Times of Distress, go to

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy