Category Archives: Opening God’s Word

The Script You Need (OGW – 017)

Need a prescription for life?

Are you thinking if someone would just write down what you need to do, that would make things a lot easier?

Give me the list and let me follow it instead of trying to figure things out for myself?

Well, we have one!  You will find it today in this episode of Opening God’s Word!

But beware, just because we have the list, it doesn’t mean it is going to be easy!  A trusted guide can lead the way, as we have found in the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 5, The Beatitudes), but it is going to take some work.

After you have listened to this podcast and dipped your toe into the Beatitudes, I invite you to go deeper.  When were they written?  Who was the intended audience?  What did they mean by “poor in spirit?”

Don’t stop there, but let God speak to your heart and transform you in these words.

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy


A Spooky Question for Halloween (016, OGW)

What will separate us from the love of Christ?

That’s a spooky question!

What can get in the way–anguish, distress, persecution, famine, peril?

The list goes on and on!  What is it?  What is the one thing that can drive a wedge between us and the love of Christ?

Listen carefully to today’s episode of Opening God’s Word that comes from the 8th Chapter of the Letter to the Romans to hear what I think!

Don’t forget to check out my blog at and subscribe and share with your friends!

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy


Are You Hoping to Squeeze Through? (015, OGW)

Oh My!  I don’t like the sound of this!

As Jesus is going through towns and villages, someone asks him a question—his response is chilling.

Today he’s talking about the narrow gate.  What will it take to get to heaven, to get through that narrow gate?

Is there something we have to do to squeeze through?

Tune in to today’s episode of Opening God’s Word to learn what Jesus says (Luke 13:22) about what could happen when if we stand outside and knock.

Be sure to check out my blog and subscribe, at

Janet Cassidy

Are You Groaning in Labor? (OGW – 014)

Does the suffering you are enduring right now seem to be more than you can handle?

Have hope!

In Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Chapter 8:18, he reminds us that our sufferings today are nothing compared to the glory that we will share as children of God.

Does that mean our suffering is nothing?  That we have to pretend that we are not in pain?

No, it means that in comparison to the glory that is coming, it is nothing.  Paul speaks of the hope we have in what we cannot see—in the glory that awaits us.

Key to this passage is this: We must “wait with endurance.”

How long?  We don’t know.  But with God, we can be assured in hope that by his grace, we can endure anything.

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word.

Janet Cassidy

Take My “One Question” Quiz! (OGW – 013)

Okay, here’s a quiz for you.

One question:

Who does Paul say in his Letter to the Ephesians (Chapter 2:19-22) that our Christian faith is built upon?

Did you say Jesus?

You are right, but there’s more!  In today’s Opening God’s Word Paul connects us with “the holy ones,” too, and says we are “members of the household of God.”

He also reminds us that it is Jesus himself who is bringing us all together and we are becoming a place where the spirit of God dwells.

We walk together, fellow citizens!  Let’s keep that in mind whenever we are feeling lonely or lost.

You can find my latest episode at  Please don’t forget to subscribe and visit my blog at

Have a blessed day in God’s Word!

Janet Cassidy

Reading the Sky (012-OGW)

Have you ever went out for a walk but first had to check out the sky to see if you were going to get caught in the rain?

Which way are the clouds moving?  Should I take a chance?

Well, in today’s passage from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 12, Verse 54, Jesus asks a reasonable question:

“You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky; why do you not know how to interpret the present time?”

What is he calling YOU to do, at the present time?

Spend some time in God’s Word today and reflect on his question.

Janet Cassidy

Why is Jesus Talking about Division? (OGW-11)

What is going on in today’s Gospel?  Isn’t Jesus about bringing people together?  Love?  Forgiveness?

Why is he talking about causing division?

Why does he want to “set the earth on fire?”

Listen closely to today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 12, Verse 49 and following.

Jesus is not suggesting we go out and start hating our parents, siblings or in-laws!

You are going to want to pay close attention to what he is telling us today.

Janet Cassidy

When will Jesus Arrive? (OGW – 010)

“Gird your loins!”

“Light your lamps”

Be ready for when Jesus returns so that you can be counted among the faithful.

We do not know when Jesus will return.  We don’t know the hour or the day, so in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 12, verse 35, we are given a lesson in being prepared.

If you have been thinking about going to church, or wondering what this faith stuff is all about, be sure to take this passage seriously.

Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, is this parable meant for us or for everyone?”

It is meant for all of us.  Let Jesus, upon his arrival, find you prepared and faithful.

What a great message this is for us to hear.  Be sure to open your bible and read it for yourself.  Spend some quiet time listening to what God is saying to you—today!  Don’t wait!

Janet Cassidy

Why was the Rich Man a Fool? (OGW – 009)

What was the real problem with the Rich Fool in the parable that Jesus told in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 12, Verse 16?

Was it so wrong that he had a “bountiful harvest”?

Was it so wrong that he was looking forward to the day when he could “rest, eat, drink and be merry”?

What does Jesus say will happen to him if he “stores up treasure for himself, but is not rich in what matters to God?”

What does “matter to God?”

We have lots to learn in this brief passage today, be sure to check it out!

Janet Cassidy

Disappointed? Feeling Abandoned? Check out Paul’s Advice. (OGW, 8, 2 Tim 4)

Do you feel like the walls are tumbling down around you?  Friends have disappointed you, or even left you feeling abandoned?

In today’s episode of Opening God’s Word we get a word of encouragement from Paul, who knows a great deal about this very situation.  He finds himself deserted and alone.

What is his attitude in the midst of all of this?  How can he help us today, so many centuries later, that encourages us in our present difficulties?

In his wisdom, in the midst of everything, he acknowledges where he finds strength to carry on.  Maybe his words will help you today as well.

Don’t forget to subscribe, and share this with a friend in need.

I hope you have a blessed day in God’s Word.

Janet Cassidy